I am availlable to assist clients in a variety of practice areas. I have extensive experience in the following areas:
Business Entities: Do you operate a business? Or are you thinking about starting a business? Maybe you have aspirations of starting a Non-Profit Corporation or Foundation. Whether your business is large or small, it is important to consider whether it would be advantagous to the use of a business entity. Business entities, such as Limited Liabiltiy Companies (LLC) can enhance the bottom line of your business and provide liability protection. Perhaps your business could best be served by some other form of incorporation. Maybe you don't need a business entity at all. Regardless as to how you ultimately choose to proceed, by discusing the possibiltiy of a business entity for your business I can give you valuable insight on options to suit your needs. As a business owner myself, I personally understand the challenges that accompany owning and running and your business, and I can help you make an informed decision regarding the use of a business entity. I have assisted numerous clients with the incorporation of their business, and I have experience creating Non-Profit entities for clients. Stop by today to discuss whether your business or endeaver could benefit from the creation of a business entity.
Debt Collection/Defense: In today's tumultuous economy, money matters often take center stage. Whether you are a small business owner who is struggling to collect money owed to you by your customers, or a struggling individual who needs an advocate against an aggressive creditor, I have represented both creditors and debtors in a variety of matters. When money is tight, I can assist creditors with strategies to collect the money owed to them. When the debt cannot be satisfied through traditional means, then the court system offers remedies to creditors. When representing creditors, I make every effort to paint them the financial picture associated with each of their options. Collecting a debt comes at a cost, and the creditor/business owner needs to understand the full financial impact of the debt collection process in order to make an informed decision. On the debtor side of the fence, sometimes life throws you a curveball that you can't handle. When it does, you need a zealous advocate to negotiate with the creditor on your behalf. Sometimes a creditor may be pursuing an erroneous party. Whether you need someone to negotiate a settlement with a creditor on your behalf, or you need representation in court, I can assist you when the hammer starts to come down.
Bankruptcy: When economic turmoil strikes and individual or family, there comes a breaking point where it is no longer pragmatic to pay off, or attempt to pay off the debt. At Rodak Law Office we will look at your financial picture and discuss a variety of options to deal with your debt, including the possibility of filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Petition. Before filing a bankruptcy it is imperative to determine whether there are any potential solutions other than bankruptcy. Often times creditors are willing to settle their debts for much less than the balance due when faced with the prospect of getting nothing. Sometimes the mere possibility or threat of bankruptcy can motivate a creditor to go to the bargaining table. However, depending on the amount and types of debt, the situation may be such that bankruptcy is the only logical solution. If you think you may need to discuss the possibility of filing bankruptcy, or if you need someone to look at your financial situation and ofer advise, we can schedule an appointment right away to discuss your options.
Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning: Do you need a Will? Do you or your loved ones have powers of attorney in case he or she is unable to make medical and/or financial decisions due to injury or illnedss? Have you reduced your wishes to writing with regard to end-of-life decisions? If not, then consider scheduling an appointment with me to discuss the drafting of your Will, Trust, Advanced Directives, and/or Power of Attorney. Often times we don't think about the importance of these types of documents until we need them, and by then, it may be too late to draft them. The property of those who die without a will passes on as set forth by state statute, which may not reflect the desires of the deceased. Call me to schedule an appointment to discuss your estate plan, or to draft your will and directives.
I am able to represent clients in a variety of practice areas. However, my position as a Prosecutor prohibits me from representing clients in the following practice areas:
Criminal Defense in any county: As a prosecutor I am prohibited from representing (defending) any person accused of violaton of a state law or city ordinance.
Actions Adverse to the State of Nebraska: As a county attorney I prosecute individuals accused of violating the laws of the State of Nebraska. As such role alligns me with the State of Nebraska, I am unable to represent any client in any action that is adverse to the State of Nebraska.